Based in the UK but with a worldwide membership, we are dedicated to the appreciation and study of the life and works of Liszt, and the performance, publication and recording of his music. Founded in 1950 by the late Humphrey Searle and reconstituted in 1970, we are the longest-standing society devoted to Franz Liszt and his output.
Annual membership fees
Memberships run per calendar year. The annual fee for membership of the Society is:
UK: £30
Non-UK: £40
Student: £15*
Life Membership: £300**
*Please provide proof of current full-time study (e.g. copy of Student ID card). Student memberships are offered up to the end of a first undergraduate degree.
**Life Membership can be bought at any time. Any fee already paid for the current year’s membership can be offset against it. (Life Memberships confer the same annual benefits as available to any other member. These may change from time to time from what is available at the time the Life Membership is purchased.)
The Society’s preferred payment method is BACS (bank transfer). The Society also accepts payment by PayPal. (Whichever payment method you use, and whatever your source currency, please ensure that the Society receives the correct amount. If your chosen method incurs service or currency conversion fees, please ensure that you cover these.)
Bank transfer
BACS (within UK): pay to The Liszt Society account number 61369514, sort code 05-04-70
IBAN (outside the UK): pay to The Liszt Society account number GB49YORK05047061369514
In both cases, please put the name of the intended member in the “reference” field. (This will be either your name, or the name of the person on whose behalf you are paying.)
Pay to treasurer@lisztsoc.org.uk. Put the name of the intended member in the “Note” section (this will be either your name, or the name of the person on whose behalf you are paying). You may receive an automated confirmation from PayPal showing the Treasurer’s name (Charlie): this indicates that the payment has been successful.
Confirmation of membership payments (renewing members)
Upon making any membership payment please always e-mail the Membership Secretary to confirm the amount paid and the method used. If you do not – or if you do not mark your payment with the membership name – the Society may not be able to match the payment to the membership or confirm the membership to you. Please do not copy the Treasurer into membership enquiries.
The Society gratefully receives any payment in excess of the membership fee as a donation.
If your postal address changes, please inform the Society. (We send your Journal to the address you have registered with us. If you change address and don’t tell us, and then want us to send a replacement Journal to a new address, we shall have to charge a fee to cover costs.)
Joining the Society (new members)
If you wish to join the Society, please e-mail the Membership Secretary as above – and include your name, postal address and telephone number. If you have any questions the Membership Secretary will be pleased to help.
Members enjoy the following benefits: